At a glance
The Cold War was a limited and non-military confrontation that caused the arms race. It has developed after the World War II between two groups of states whose ideologies and political systems were diametrically opposed.

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The USSR and its allies, who have been called "Oriental or Eastern Block" formed one group. The other group was formed by the USA and its allies also called "Western or Occidental Block".

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The use of the atomic bomb in 1945 by the USA on Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought the US-Soviet relationships into conflict, according to several specialists.

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During the World War II, the USA and the USSR were allies. After the War, which brought the Allied victory, tension has occurred between the two major world powers.

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The Cold War dominated the postwar history, also engaging other states in this conflict: crises in Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.
The Cold War was the confrontation between democracy and communism, between two different ideologies, between two worlds.
The Cold War began with the end of the World War II and ended with the collapse of the USSR in 1991. About 50 years.

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The Cold War period represents the confrontation between the two superpowers – the USA and the USSR - essentially imperial, but with an issue focused on the fight between democracy versus communism.