The End Of World War Two
Some days after the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, the Imperial Japan surrenders to the Allies, thus ending the World War II.

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Since July, the Japanese navy has no longer run any operations in the Pacific islands and the islands’ invasion was only a matter of time.

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Despite the fact that the Japanese leaders have publicly stated that they would fight to the last man, they were secretly negotiating with the Soviet Union for it to mediate a peace on favorable terms.
President Truman has received a day before the start of the meeting in Potsdam the secret information that "Manhattan Project" has been successfully completed, the USA had the atomic bomb. From aboard the "Augusta" cruiser, he ordered Japan to be hit with the new weapon.

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At 8:15, the bomber "Enola Gay" launched the first atomic bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy", on Hiroshima, destruction and human losses were unimaginable in Tokyo.

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Truman approved the second nuclear strike on one of the two cities, Nagasaki and Kokura. As Kokura was overcast, Nagasaki suffered the second nuclear strike. The day before in Moscow, the Ambassador Soto had been officially informed that as of August 9, 1945 the USSR declared war on his country.

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The attack on Hiroshima and later the Soviet attack made the Prime Minister Suzuki and the Foreign Affairs Minister Shigenori discuss a ceasefire.